Centralize and share tracking to make better decisions
Replace spreadsheets and other CSV files with a single, shareable platform that brings together all Tags & MarTechs.
And put quality and data protection at the heart of your concerns!
Unleash the full power of your data (finally)
Get instant access to a single view of the tagging plan at any time.
Import, design, generate and modify your tagging plans
Simplify the design and generation of tagging plans, from any Tags & MarTechs to benefit from a real analysis capability.
Accelerate the migration of MarTechs and Tags
Take advantage of an automated and centralized generation of your tagging plans for a total and permanent control of your migrations.
Get a single view of the tagging plan
In a single, shared location, you can analyze data collection, secure data quality, and anticipate any adjustments.
Align tracking and regulations
Take back control of data privacy and GDPR compliance on your tagging plan.
Meet the challenge of operational excellence
Governance Manager Tagging Plan Studio combines tagging plan integration, integrity and governance in a single platform. Unlock the full potential of your data!
Ready to (really) enjoy your data?
The first step is to be clear on everything you can improve...
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