Tracking migration from A to Z
Tracking tool migration is a key moment in the evolution of your digital environment. The objective? Collect the data you need to gain a more detailed understanding of how your digital platform is used.
Ultimately, you improve your knowledge of your customers, understanding their expectations and the consumption of the paths and functionalities offered to optimize your digital platform and provide content that matches your audience's needs. The result? A better, more efficient business!
But what exactly is tracking migration? We tell you everything you need to know!
The technical challenges of tracking migration
- Avoid data loss and ensure tracking continuity during migration.
- Define a new branding plan reflecting business and digital objectives.
- Equip yourself with an effective tagging system that works properly and returns verified and verifiable data.
When should you change your Web Analytics tool?
The Web Analytics tool: what is it?
A Web Analytics tool enables you to track and analyze the presence of users on your website. It serves two main purposes, particularly useful as part of a marketing strategy:
- understand your visitors' behavior,
- gain a better understanding of your website's performance.
In short, it boosts your digital performance!
For this, several types of tracking tools can be considered, depending on the data collected, such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics or Piano Analytics. It all depends on your needs and expectations.
What are situations of change?
A tracking tool migration project can be triggered by a number of factors:
- an external source, such as the emergence of new regulations or the evolution of Web Analytics tools;
- an internal initiative: when your marketing or digital strategy evolves, your teams may want to equip themselves with better web tools or more effective measurement tools;
- a site or application redesign.
There are many situations of change, so the analytics manager must identify the needs of all stakeholders:
- marketing team ;
- Digital Analysts (if your company has any) ;
- any user of the tool (from marketing to sales teams, including customer service)...
How do you choose your new Web Analytics tool?
To choose the most relevant analytics tool for your organization, there are two main criteria to consider:
- general criteria (such as the power of the software suite) ;
- Specialized criteria, relating to compliance options, tracking finesse and rich functionality.
The best practice is to consult the teams involved in using the previous tool and assess their satisfaction on the basis of various criteria, such as the user experience or the tool's performance.
What are the stages in a tracking migration plan?
Defining the tagging plan
The marking plan, a reference document
The tagging plan defines the "tags" that will be used to track the various events and actions carried out on the website or application, as well as the structuring and storage of the data.
To increase efficiency and ensure the quality of the tracking data collected, you need to define a clear, well-thought-out marking plan.
A major challenge for your company
With the right marking plan, you have access to accurate and reliable tracking data. This is a strategic issue for your company. Without reliable data, it's impossible to make strategic decisions and measure the effectiveness of your marketing actions.
In short, be vigilant: a poorly conceived tagging plan means the risk of erroneous or even incomplete data. Your decision-making and the optimization of your marketing campaigns will be negatively impacted, and your marketing strategy will be severely affected.
Errors in the marking plan can also lengthen the migration time, as it has to be revised during the acceptance phase. Don't take any chances, follow our advice for a successful migration plan.
Upstream, a real strategic challenge
Before migrating, it's essential to clearly define your strategy and operational challenges. The migration must then be a faithful translation of your digital strategy.
In technical terms, granularity and uniqueness of tags
The aim is to create useful and necessary Tags, with sufficient granularity and precision. But defining the right Tags isn't always enough: they also need to be correctly implemented, so that the right data can be retrieved from the right place.
Uniqueness is also important, ensuring that an event doesn't come up several times in the tracking and distort analyses. And all this must, of course, be done in compliance with the legal provisions of the RGPD!
Would you like to find out more?
In our tracking migration plan article, discover 3 concrete, detailed examples of migrations: from business objectives to their translation into tagging plans!
Tagging plan: best practices for a successful migration?
Before you migrate, our tips for getting your teams on board
To implement an effective tagging plan and make a success of your migration, you need to start by getting your teams on board. That's right, your employees are the first to be affected, especially those working on tracking and data collection.
During the migration process, you need to involve as many people as possible to unite them around the tagging plan. This will speed up the migration process, with the added benefit of ensuring optimum familiarity with the new tool.
During migration, our tips for more accurate tracking
It is sometimes necessary to add a finer level of precision when managing local specificities and brands. The challenge here is to avoid erroneous tracking.
If a Tag is triggered incorrectly or several times without reason, the data is distorted and strategic choices are no longer reliable.
That's where Data On Duty comes in. With a well-executed migration plan, which can include continuous testing, you can detect errors and refine the granularity of tracking as you go along.
After migration, our additional tips
Migration times vary. This means that data recovery and transfer is not always possible. However, you need to keep a history, which can be compared with the new data collected. Note that not all analytics solutions have the same collection model, so it won't be possible to retrieve exactly the same data.
You also need to check that the analytics environment is properly connected (via the Data Layers and API connectors).
Want to find out more? Discover our webinar to regain consent and maintain your company's RGPD compliance. All without neglecting tagging security and tracking compliance vis-à-vis your business challenges.